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A Faithful Queen

Watching the crowds file past Her Majesty’s coffin in Westminster Hall, I was struck by how many people made the sign of the cross as they passed.

It seems the Queen’s passing has provided a moment for people to be more public about their faith – a fitting tribute to someone whose life of service was underpinned by her Christian faith.

While pledging to be a “faithful Protestant” as part of her Coronation Oath in 1953, the Queen has done more than many to improve relations between faith groups, including Catholics.

In 1995 she attended Vespers in Westminster Cathedral to mark its 100th anniversary, and went on award Cardinal Basil Hume the Order of Merit.

She has welcomed two Popes to this country, including Pope Benedict XVI on his historic state visit in 2010.

And in 2012 she shook hands with Martin McGuiness on a visit to the Republic of Ireland.

There are many legacies from the Queen’s long and successful reign, but helping Catholics in this country feel more comfortable in their faith, should not be forgotten.