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Catholic Union calls for Government to promote Common Good

The Catholic Union has written to the Prime Minister congratulating her on her election as Conservative Party Leader and appointment as Prime Minister whilst echoing Cardinal Vincent Nichols’ prayerful support for her to take on the increasingly challenging responsibilities.  

The letter states that the Catholic Union is ready, willing and able to work with the Prime Minister and her new team and seeks a meeting.  It also serves as a reminder of the issues raised by the Catholic Union during the Conservative leadership contest.

Nigel Parker, Director the Catholic Union, says:

“We have worked with Ms Truss in the past when she was in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to promote religious freedom and look forward to working with her as Prime Minister. There are a number of pressing issues where our expertise can assist the new administration in particular the need to ensure fairer taxes for families, protecting human life in all forms, protecting Christians from persecution, valuing Catholic and other faith schools in our education system and championing fundamental human rights”.