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God in Number 10

The Catholic Union office lies within the parish of the Holy Ghost and St Stephen in Shepherd’s Bush, West London. The Parish Priest, Fr Mark Vickers, has just had a book published entitled “God in Number 10“, about the personal faith of the 20th century Prime Ministers, from Balfour to Blair. I was honoured to attend the book launch in the Churchill Room in Parliament this week which was attended by several bishops, numerous priests, and the editors of the Tablet and Catholic Herald (see photo below). The event was hosted by Catholic Union Vice-President Mike Kane MP. The author as well as Charles Moore spoke about the book and the wide range of religious beliefs held by the last century’s Prime Ministers. In the 21st century we have had our first Catholic Prime Minister (in canon law terms) and now have our first Hindu PM.  On leaving Parliament, a group of us ran into Keir Starmer and I took the opportunity to show him the book I had just bought (inscribed “to all at the Catholic Union”).  Only God knows whether the time is now approaching for our first avowedly atheist Prime Minister. Of course, we continue to pray for the incumbent of Number 10, regardless of their personal beliefs.