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Catholic Union appoints new Deputy Director

The Catholic Union has announced the appointment of James Somerville-Meikle as Deputy Director.

James has served for the past three years as Head of Public Affairs for the Catholic Union, working part-time for the organisation. His new role as Deputy Director is a full time position, significantly increasing the capacity of the Catholic Union.

As part of his new role, James will continue to lead on public affairs work for the Catholic Union while contributing more broadly across all areas of the Union’s work.

James is a familiar face in Westminster having previously worked for an MP and Government Minister. He is also a regular contributor to Catholic press and media.

James’s appointment builds on a strong team already in place at the Catholic Union with Nigel Parker continuing as Director, and Louisa Collyer-Hamlin having been appointed Public Affairs and Communications Assistant earlier this year.

Nigel Parker, Director of the Catholic Union, comments: “I’m delighted that James has come onboard in this new role. James has already made a huge contribution to the Catholic Union. His work in helping to get places of worship open again during Covid was something that had an impact far beyond the Catholic community. I know he will build on that work in this new role. The Catholic Union relies entirely on the generosity of our members and supporters. If you support the work of the Catholic Union then please consider joining us as a member so we can be an even stronger voice for Catholics in the public sphere.”

James Somerville-Meikle, Deputy Director of the Catholic Union, comments: “This is a hugely exciting opportunity. I first got involved in the Catholic Union when I was at university. It was an honour to join the team three years ago, and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to build on that work as Deputy Director. This is a challenging time in the life of our country, with people and organisations feeling financial pressure like never before. Society can sometimes feel increasingly hostile to people of faith, but it is in challenging times when the work of groups like the Catholic Union is most needed. I’m looking forward to getting started.”