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“Happy warriors” needed!

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Catholic Union, Deputy Director, James Somerville-Meikle, writes:

This week I’ve had the pleasure of listening to two excellent speeches in Parliament.

The first was by Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, who spoke about what Christianity has to offer the public conversation. The second was by President Volodymyr Zelensky, who came to thank the UK for supporting Ukraine in the conflict with Russia.

On the surface, these two men had very little in common. One preached about the beatitudes and the Christian tradition of non-violent resistance. The other asked for planes and tanks to help defend his country. Principle and practicality in sharp contrast once again.

But what both men realised, was the importance of their audience – politicians and others in public office. As Catholics we are called to live out our faith in our daily lives, in our families and communities, but also in public life. The shaping of that public life is often set by decisions taken in Westminster.

When I interviewed Bishop Barron earlier this week, he encouraged Catholics to get involved in politics and become “happy warriors” for the common good. Both Bishops and Presidents, it seems, are in need of warriors.