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Catholic Union launches Lenten Appeal

The Catholic Union has launched a Lenten Appeal to encourage more people to support its work in being a strong voice for Catholics in the public sphere.

In a series of Lenten Updates, the Catholic Union will be providing more information about its work in different areas, including:

As well as becoming a Member and joining the St Thomas More Circle of Donors, the Catholic Union now has an online donations page. The new page will give people the option of making regular or one-off donations to the Catholic Union Charitable Trust.

Last year the Catholic Union appointed a new full time Deputy Director, significantly increasing the public affairs and media capacity of the Union.

Recent highlights of the Catholic Union’s work include helping to organise Bishop Robert Barron’s address to civic and religious leaders in Westminster, launching a new Pub Talks and webinar series, and getting a group of MPs to call for fairer taxes for families.

Nigel Parker, Director of the Catholic Union, comments: “As the laity continues to take more of an active role in the life of the Church, the Catholic Union has once again been at the forefront of putting the Church’s message in the public sphere. The Catholic Union is doing more than at any time in our recent history, but we need help to continue this momentum. That is why we are launching our Lenten Appeal to encourage more people support our work.

“The Catholic Union relies entirely on the generosity of our members and supporters. As we look to build on our existing work, this generosity will become even more important. We know this is a difficult time for people as the cost of living continues to put a strain on household budgets – something we have highlighted in a recent letter to the Chancellor. Our online donations page will make it easier for people to support our work with regular or one-off donations. Please give what you can to help us be a strong voice for Catholics in the public sphere.”