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New Acting Chairman of the Catholic Union

Richard Collyer-Hamlin

Richard Collyer-Hamlin, new Acting Chairman, of the Catholic Union has written to all members thanking Rob Flello for his contribution to the Catholic Union as Chairman over the last two years.

Dear Members and Supporters

I would like to heartily thank Rob Flello for his contribution to the Catholic Union as Chairman over the last two years. He is embarking upon a new chapter in his career which will not allow for sufficient time to continue in this leadership role. Rob will continue to cheer us on from the sidelines and we look forward to seeing him regularly at our events. In Rob’s place, the Council has asked me to serve as Acting Chairman until the AGM on 28 November this year.

I would like to thank all those who donated to our Lenten Fundraising Campaign which had a most encouraging response.

In the next few weeks you will receive a letter from our longstanding President, Sir Edward Leigh MP. He will be appealing for new members of the St Thomas More Circle. The Circle offers the opportunity to directly help the work of the Union with a regular donation. We have a strong professional team in place now and there is great scope to do more for the laity and the bishops. Thank you for your generosity since the St Thomas More Circle was founded in 2018 and I ask you, please, to help again if you possibly can.  You can also find out more about the St Thomas More Circle by clicking the “support us” button below.

Our programme for 2023 is packed with interesting events; please keep an eye on the Weekly Briefings for booking information. I look forward especially to meeting you at Douai Abbey for the Summer Gathering on Saturday 1 July. As the Catholic Union grows I would encourage you to spread the word to your family and friends so that they can be involved with our ambitious journey.

Best wishes