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Prime Ministers can do God

The Catholic Union’s latest webinar has explored the personal faith of Prime Ministers from Balfour to Blair.

Fr Mark Vickers, author of God in No 10, spoke to Catholic Union members and supporters about some of the fascinating discoveries in his book.

Fr Mark, who is a Catholic priest in Shepherd’s Bush, observed that there had been a “return to faith” of Prime Ministers in the 20th Century. He noted that most occupants of 10 Downing Street before the Second World War did not appear to have a strong faith, but most Prime Ministers after the War were practising Christians.

He noted how Stanley Baldwin had “mystical visions”, Arthur Balfour believed he had seen ghosts, while Winston Churchill consulted an astrologer.

While there were no Catholic Prime Ministers last century, Harold Macmillan apparently considered converting to Catholicism in 1915, shortly before seeing active service in World War One. Tony Blair converted shortly after leaving office in 2007.

Fr Mark is currently working on a prequel to his book, looking at the faith of Prime Ministers in the 19th Century. His current book is available in Waterstones and Hatchards as well as online retailers.

A recording of the webinar can be found on our YouTube channel here.