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No to Assisted Suicide

The Catholic Union has submitted evidence to the Committee scrutinising Liam McArthur MSP’s Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, stating its resolute opposition to the introduction of assisted suicide in any form. 

Liam McArthur MSP’s Bill would allow terminally ill adults in Scotland, who are eligible, to lawfully request, and be provided with, assistance by health professionals to end their own life.

The Catholic Union conducted a survey of its members and supporters in 2023 which showed overwhelming opposition to a change in the law. It also uncovered concerns that changing the law could make it harder for Catholics, and other people of faith, to enter the medical profession.
Julian Hughes, Honorary Professor, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, UK says:

Our concern with the sanctity of life can be posed in other than theological terms: the inviolability of life, the prohibition of intentional killing, has been central to medical ethics since the time of Hippocrates”.

All submissions must be with the Scottish Health, Sport and Social Care Committee by 16 August. The submissions will inform the Committee’s scrutiny.