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Catholic Union Election Guide

The Catholic Union has published an election guide with some information and suggested questions for candidates and voters ahead of the General Election.

Catholics are one of the largest – and one of the most politically- and socially-minded – religious minorities in the country. For the 4.5 million Catholics in Britain, the election on Thursday 4 July is an opportunity to elect people who will work towards the common good and recognise the importance of faith to society.  

We surveyed our members and supporters earlier this year and they shared their top five priorities for the General Election with us. These were as follows:

  1. Care for vulnerable people
  2. Religious freedom
  3. Family life
  4. Education
  5. Dignity of life

Our survey also found that over 90 percent of our members and supporters were planning to vote in the upcoming General Election – significantly higher than the national average.

It also revealed a strong link between politics and religion, with 92 percent of people saying that their faith and the teachings of the Catholic Church “help to influence” how they vote. 

Read our election guide below.