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A New Dawn

The Catholic Union held its Summer Gathering at Worth Abbey on Saturday.  The Gathering, which was sold out, was the first major post-election event and marked the beginning of a new approach.

Members and supporters were fortunate enough to hear from Baroness Hollins, President of the Catholic Union, about the importance of listening and consensus-building in the policy formation and legislative processes. Later in the day Abbot Christopher Jamison talked about how one could detoxify politics through rediscovering the language of grace; he expanded on the themes in his most recent book.

Rathbones sponsored the successful over-subscribed event.  Abbot Christopher Jamsion OSB is Abbot President of the English Benedictine Congregation. 

Catholic Union Interim Director, Tristan Feunteun, comments: The Summer Gathering was an excellent opportunity for members and supporters to come together in the glorious surroundings of Worth Abbey and take stock of new beginnings. We are indebted to both Baroness Hollins and Abbot Christopher Jamison for their thought-provoking presentations, which gave us much to contemplate.  We have much to look forward to this coming Autumn and Winter, not least various Catholic Union events and work streams that will build upon our new and existing networks with the new Government’.