Our Secretary, Michael Pritchett, has written in the Catholic Herald this month about the need to support the Catholic press in this country:
Sir: Further to your Leader in the August issue, “Why Catholic Journalism Matters”, the Catholic Union of Great Britain – representing the lay Catholic community since 1870 – writes to support your case that with the demise of the Universe, it is essential that British churches continue to stock and sell both the Catholic Herald (founded 1888) and the Tablet (1840). What many might not realise is that the demise of the Universe also brought to an end the UK church distribution of the major Catholic periodicals as the Universe media group was also the sole distributor to parishes across Britain.
The future of Catholic journalism in Britain can be assured so long as the Bishops’ Conference encourages dioceses to allow electronic payments for periodical payments. Automation will allow resumption of the sale of publications without needing to restart carrying and counting cash.
Debate and discussion of Catholic matters has benefits for the community beyond the advancement of knowledge.
The Catholic Union of Great Britain was set up to defend Catholic values in Parliament and public life, and the promotion of the common good.
After careful consideration, we are cautiously optimistic that the benefits to parishioners and the common good now outweigh any disadvantages. We urge church leaders to promote the electronic sale of Catholic magazines in churches and cathedral bookshops sooner rather than later as the reason risk of churches without periodicals would be a serious blow to the Catholic community and the country’s spiritual and cultural life.
Michael Pritchett, Secretary,
Catholic Union of Great Britain.