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Argumentative Grit

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James Somerville-Meikle writes: In his BBC Reith Lecture on freedom of worship this week, the former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams spoke about the “argumentative grit” of faith groups in persisting to ask moral questions. It’s an analogy I quite enjoyed – grit can be an irritant, but it can also help to improve and bring out the best in something as well. There are plenty of areas in society today where that grit is needed, not least when it comes to the dignity of life. Earlier this week, a new parliamentary inquiry was launched into the law on suicide in England and Wales. The Catholic Union is carrying out a survey to shape our response to the call for evidence. Along with a Members’ Bill on assisted suicide in the Scottish Parliament and consultations in Jersey and the Isle of Man, 2023 is shaping up to be a crucial year in efforts to support the right to life. The Catholic Union will continue to work with others in providing the grit to these moral questions.