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Catholic Union’s Valentine’s Day letter to Visit Jersey

The Catholic Union has written to the Government of Jersey’s tourist office to ask for their help in opposing plans to introduce assisted suicide on the island.

In the letter, written on the feast of Saint Valentine, the Catholic Union warned that changing the law would risk turning Jersey “from the island of love into the island of death”.

The Catholic Union has urged Visit Jersey to make sure that the island continues to be known for its scenery, rather than becoming the first place in the British Isles to introduce assisted suicide.

Earlier this year, the Catholic Union made a submission to the latest consultation on plans to change the law on the island. The Catholic Union highlighted the risks to vulnerable people as well as the impact on Catholic medical professionals and other people of faith.

In their Valentine’s Day letter, the Catholic Union warned of the reputational damage that could be done to the island as well as the ethical and moral concerns of any change in the law.

The Catholic Union has urged the Government of Jersey to pause and reflect on the proposals before pushing ahead with changing the law.