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St Thomas More Feast Day

This week we marked the Feast Day (22 June) of St John Fisher and St Thomas More, the Patron Saint of politicians and Patron of the Catholic Union.

I recall earlier this year how Bishop Robert Barron, during his visit to London, marvelled at being in Westminster Hall where Sir Thomas, as he was then, was condemned to death. Thomas More reached the highest political office in the land, but gave everything up in defence of conscience and his Catholic faith.

The relationship between politicians and God has often been a complex one. It is twenty years since Tony Blair’s Director of Communications, Alastair Campbell, famously remarked that “we don’t do God.” Yet in a Catholic Union webinar this week we heard from Fr Mark Vickers that many Prime Ministers of the 20th Century did do God, including Blair.

Fr Mark’s book, God in Number 10, is a fascinating insight into the personal faith of the 18 men and 1 woman who occupied Downing Street in the last century. While none of them wrestled with their consciences and endured the consequences in the way St Thomas More did, they all faced challenges along the way.

It’s right that as Catholics we pray for those in public office and encourage more good women and men to be given the courage and grace to serve in public life.
St Thomas More, pray for us.