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Prayer of the Faithful (Bidding Prayers) for Sunday Mass

A weekly service provided by the Catholic Union to parishes, schools and communities in England, Scotland and Wales.

A selection of thoughtful and topical bidding prayers for Sunday Mass is circulated every Friday. We hope that you will find this useful.

If you would like other colleagues or parishes to be added to our distribution list please let us know by emailing [email protected]

Example of Weekly Bidding Prayers provided by the Catholic Union:

Priest: Let us turn in prayer to Our Heavenly Father, who always feeds and sustains us on our journey, offering intercession for our Church, our society and all those who are in need.

That the Church and its members will be sustained in service as they follow Christ’s calling to be servants.

Lord, hear us.

That we join with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in his prayer intention for September, the cry of the earth, and undertake to personally care for God’s creation, while we give thanks in this season of harvest for God’s bounty.

Lord, hear us.

That we remember the call to welcome little children in Christ’s name, and we pray for the children of our families, of this parish and our schools, and for those children who have suffered abuse.

Lord, hear us.

That the joy of the Gospel will permeate our lives and we will bring it to all those we encounter in our lives.

Lord, hear us.

As politicians and leaders across Europe discuss the numbers of refugees fleeing to our continent, we remember those in need who risk everything to make the journey, and we pray for church organisations, including the Jesuit Refugee Service, working with refugees.

Lord, hear us.

We pray urgently for peace in Ukraine, Yemen, Sudan and Gaza, and the safe return of the remaining Israeli hostages.

Lord, hear us.

We pray for those in our parish community who are sick, especially [insert names]

Lord, hear us.

We pray for those who have recently died, including, and those whose anniversaries are at this time, [insert names]

Lord, hear us.

We ask Mary, our Mother, to intercede on our behalf: Hail Mary …

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.

Priest: God Our Father, hear these petitions which your people place before you. We make all our prayers through Christ Our Lord, Amen.