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Bidding Prayers for Sunday Mass

A new weekly service to parishes from the Catholic Union

The Catholic Union is pleased to provide a selection of thoughtful and topical bidding prayers for Mass each Sunday. We hope that you will find this useful. We aim to circulate the prayers to you by Friday each week. This service is available, at no cost, to all parish clergy, parish administrators and lay readers in parishes across England, Scotland and Wales.

If you would like other colleagues or parishes to be added to our distribution list please let us know by emailing [email protected]

Sample Bidding Prayers, Sunday 15 September 2024:
Priest: Let us turn in prayer to Our loving Heavenly Father in confidence as we present our intentions to Him.
As we read in today’s Gospel of Jesus’ calling us, we ask, Lord, that you sustain us in our faith and let it be an inspiration to serve you and your people.
Lord, hear us.

We pray in these early weeks of the new school year for pupils, teachers and parents and that our young people reach their academic and spiritual potential.
Lord, hear us.

We pray for those who left jail this week as part of the Government’s new prison release scheme. May they find the strength to begin their new lives without resorting to crime and that they will find the support they need for this new beginning. We also remember those affected by crime.
Lord, hear us.  
As our Holy Father, Pope Francis, returns from his travels in Asia, we give thanks for the Catholic communities who welcomed him in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore, and pray for Pope Francis’ leadership of our Church.
Lord, hear us.

During his travels, Pope Francis highlighted the importance of interfaith dialogue. We pray for those of other faiths and that we may be open to dialogue too.
Lord, hear us.

We remember the people of war-torn Yemen, Sudan, Ukraine and Gaza, and we pray for the return of the Israeli hostages captured by Hamas.
Lord, hear us.  

We pray for those in our parish community who are sick, especially [insert names]
Lord, hear us.  

We pray for those who have recently died, including, and those whose anniversaries are at this time, [insert names]

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.

We ask our Blessed Lady to intercede for us as we pray: Hail Mary …

Priest: God Our Father, hear these petitions which we have placed before you. We make all our prayers through Christ Our Lord, Amen.