Escaping from Parliament
Stephen Pound, Former Labour MP and Vice President of the Catholic Union, will deliver a Catholic Union Pub Talk on Monday 7 April. Entitled ‘I… Read More »Escaping from Parliament
The Catholic Union is delighted to be hosting a new series of “Pub Talks”. These are informal evenings, which give people with an interest in politics and public affairs the chance to meet one another and hear from a guest speaker. Our “Pub Talks” take place in different pubs across London.
Stephen Pound, Former Labour MP and Vice President of the Catholic Union, will deliver a Catholic Union Pub Talk on Monday 7 April. Entitled ‘I… Read More »Escaping from Parliament
The Director of the Common Good Foundation, Lord Glasman, has urged Catholic Union members and supporters to have confidence in their faith. Speaking at the… Read More »“Have confidence in your faith” says Lord Glasman
Jon Cruddas MP will deliver the next Catholic Union “Pub Talk” in conjunction with Catholics for Labour on 20 March. Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham… Read More »Politics of the Common Good
Former Conservative party leader, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, has called on the Catholic Church to take a tougher stance on China. Speaking at the latest… Read More »China, the Church and Christian persecution