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St Thomas More Circle

The Catholic Union’s St Thomas More Circle, launched in 2018, provides essential financial support to the Catholic Union whose patron is St Thomas More. Members of the Circle may give to either the Catholic Union Charitable Trust or the Catholic Union of Great Britain.

Founded in 1870 by the Duke of Norfolk and other Catholic peers, the aim of the Catholic Union is to provide a voice for Catholic lay people through sensible, balanced and informed contributions to public debate and legislation. The Union brings together the expertise of the laity with Catholic members of both Houses of Parliament. The Union has consultative status to the Bishops Conference of England and Wales and makes a vital Catholic contribution to the national conversation.

The Union’s success in providing a clear voice in Parliament and the media for Catholics is limited by critical resources. In order to truly succeed for Catholics in the country, the Union must be able to draw on not only our professionals and experts who give so much on a voluntary basis but also on the services of paid specialists.

There are six categories of Membership in the St Thomas More Circle:

St Thomas More Circle Friend (Individual or Couple)
Donation of £100 or more in a year
Benefit: Special webinar discussion with President

St Thomas More Circle Associate (Individual or Couple)
Donation of £250 or more in a year
Benefit: Special webinar discussion with President
Benefit: Admission to Summer Gathering

St Thomas More Circle Supporter (Individual or Couple)
Donation of £1,000 or more in a year
Benefit: Special webinar discussion with President
Benefit: Admission to Summer Gathering
Benefit: Supporters & Benefactors Mass and Reception

St Thomas More Circle Benefactor (Individual or Couple)
Donation of £5,000 or more in a year
Benefit: Special webinar discussion with President
Benefit: Admission to Summer Gathering
Benefit: Supporters & Benefactors Mass and Reception
Benefit: Benefactors & Patrons Dinner

St Thomas More Circle Patron (Individual or Couple)
Donation of £10,000 or more in a year
Benefit: Special webinar discussion with President
Benefit: Admission to Summer Gathering
Benefit: Supporters & Benefactors Mass and Reception
Benefit: Benefactors & Patrons Dinner
Benefit: President & Vice Presidents Lunch

St Thomas More Circle Patron (Charitable Trust or Corporate)
Donation of £20,000 or more in a year
Benefit: Special webinar discussion with President
Benefit: Admission to Summer Gathering
Benefit: Supporters & Benefactors Mass and Reception
Benefit: Benefactors & Patrons Dinner
Benefit: President & Vice Presidents Lunch

If you are able to help the Union in this way, the easiest method is click the online donation button.

Please join the St Thomas More Circle today and give us the support that we need to continue our work!

If you would like more information about the St Thomas More Circle or have any questions about our work, please complete the form below.

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    Your Email (required)

    Your Message

    Please find the latest report to donors