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Catholic Union warns against undermining freedom of expression

The Catholic Union has warned against making any changes to hate crime legislation that risk undermining freedom of expression.


In response to a Law Commission consultation on potential changes to hate crime laws, the Catholic Union said that “protection of the individual citizen against the weaponization of the criminal law is one of the ‘bright line’ differences between a free democratic society and other societies.”


The Law Commission is carrying out a review of hate crime laws in England and Wales, including reformulating the offences of stirring up hatred.


The Catholic Union has stressed that “any reform of the law on hate crimes should not inhibit the legitimate expression of views based on or inspired by the teachings of the Catholic faith” and said that other groups in society should be equally free to express conflicting views.


The consultation closed last month, and the Law Commission is now analysing responses. A report to the Government is expected sometime later this year.


Read full submission here: Hate Crime Consultation Final Response