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Nothing so ex as an ex-Mp

Stephen Pound, former Labour MP and Vice President of the Catholic Union, will be delivering the Catholic Union’s first Pub Talk after the General Election 2024 on Wednesday 4 September. Addressing members and supporters of the Catholic Union, Stephen will talk about ‘There’s nothing so “ex” as an ex-MP’

Stephen Pound says: “The good news is that there is life beyond politics.  Ex-MPs, a growing number in light of the 2024 election, are an exclusive club with much to offer.  I’m looking forward to the Catholic Union’s Pub Talk and giving insight into the nature of politics from different positions and perspectives.  I hope that all sitting and ex MPs have the Catholic Union on their radar”.

Known as Ealing North’s tattooed bruiser, Stephen Pound was a boxer in the Royal Navy, played cricket for Hanwell CC, worked as a bus conductor, hospital porter and housing manager before becoming a Member of Parliament for Ealing North in 1997 where he served for 22 years. Pound had an illustrious Parliamentary career, which included a stint as Shadow Minister for Northern Ireland.

Catholic Union Interim Director, Tristan Feunteun, says: “We are delighted that Stephen has agreed to address our post-election Pub Talk.  As a very fast talking and highly engaging speaker we are sure that he will pack a lot into the talk, and no doubt the audience will be bursting with questions.  We are fortunate to have Stephen as a Vice President of the Catholic Union; he is passionate about faith in public life and we look forward to hearing his reflections”.

The Catholic Union’s Pub Talks have proved a popular series of events with people in public life exploring a subject of particular interest to Catholics. Previous speakers include Lord Alton, Ruth Kelly, Catherine McKinnell, Jon Cruddas, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Ann Widdecombe, and Lord Glasman. Those interested in attending the Pub Talk with Stephen Pound on Wednesday 4 September at the Windsor Castle pub, Victoria, should book their tickets early, doors will open at 18.00.