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Place and mission

Deputy Director of the Catholic Union, James Somerville-Meikle, writes:

After five years with the Catholic Union, this will be my last editorial. I will be stepping down from my role as Deputy Director next week ahead of taking up my place at seminary later this year.

The priesthood has been a thought for long enough, and it is time to “scratch the itch” as one priest friend put it. While I am excited to be heading out to Spain for this first year of training, I will miss working with so many fantastic people I have met with the Catholic Union.

I am also aware that there is more than a little bit of irony involved in this move. Having written in this briefing so many times about the importance of lay leadership in the Church, I am now embarking on a course that would take me to the other side of the altar. God laughs when we make plans.

At World Youth Day last year, Pope Francis reminded us that everyone has a place in the Church – “everyone, everyone, everyone” he said. Realising our place and mission in the Church is perhaps the greatest task we have in life.

I have no doubt that the mission of the Catholic Union will continue long into the future. I will be with you in spirit as this vital work continues.