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Catholics call for answers on rough sleeping plan

The Catholic Union and church groups in London have warned of a rough sleeping crisis, unless the Government acts soon.

Around 15,000 people across the country have been housed by local authorities since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. This has been made possible by extra funding from the Government to provide accommodation for rough sleepers in empty hotels and hostels as part of the “everyone in” scheme. This includes 1,400 people in London.

Read More »Catholics call for answers on rough sleeping plan

It’s time to end the “family tax”

The Catholic Union has called on the Government to scrap the two-child limit for childcare support for those on low incomes and the unemployed.

The policy, introduced in 2017, limits the childcare element of Universal Credit and Tax Credits to two children per household. The policy was widely criticised by faith groups at the time, on the grounds that it discriminates against larger families.

The Catholic Union has written to the Chancellor to call for the policy to be scrapped in light of the coronavirus outbreak and the huge financial pressures faced by families across the country.

Read More »It’s time to end the “family tax”

Care homes must not become “shadows in our communities”

The Catholic Union has called on the Government to give greater support to people who live and work in care homes.

The number of deaths from coronavirus among care home residents has reduced, but it is still a high proportion of the total number of deaths.

In a letter to Care Minister, Helen Whately MP, the Catholic Union urged the Government to uphold the dignity of older people during the coronavirus and recognise the profound importance of care work to society.

Read More »Care homes must not become “shadows in our communities”

Catholic Union calls for churches to open again

The Catholic Union has called on the UK Government to allow churches to reopen for private prayer ahead of the next review of lockdown restrictions.

The existing restrictions – which require the closure of all places of worship – are due to be reviewed on Thursday 28 May.

Catholic Union President, Sir Edward Leigh, has written to Communities Secretary, Robert Jenrick, to call for churches in England to be allowed to open for private prayer as soon as possible.

Read More »Catholic Union calls for churches to open again

There’s more to lifting the lockdown than the economy

James Somerville-Meikle
Head of Public Affairs

We need clear arguments for how and why churches should open again writes James Somerville-Meikle

When will it end?

People have been asking this question for weeks now. When will schools re-open, when will people return to work, when will public transport resume anything like a normal timetable?

Just as important to many of the 4.5 million Catholics in this country is the question about when churches will open again.

Read More »There’s more to lifting the lockdown than the economy