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2016 Catholic Women of the Year

Nominations for the 2016 Catholic Women of the Year are invited.

Any Catholic woman can be nominated – we are looking for the “unsung heroines”: these may be women who are active in their local parish or  community, in visiting the sick or imprisoned, in preparing children  for First Communion or helping with projects for the aged or  housebound. There are women upholding Catholic values in education or  in public or professional life. There are Catholic women who raise  funds for charity, take sick pilgrims to Lourdes, or are simply good  friends and neighbours to those in need and joyful examples of
Christian living at work and at home. Nominators may think of women
who have been particularly helpful to them in their own journey of
faith or, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, women who particularly
exemplify one of the corporal or spiritual works of mercy.

All that is required is a letter, setting out, ideally on one page,
the reasons why the person concerned is worthy of nomination. We are  glad to receive nominations for women of all ages and backgrounds –  single, married, consecrated religious.

There is no financial reward, but the chosen Catholic Women of the
Year are special guests at the annual Luncheon, which will be held in
the Autumn.

Nominations should be sent to:
Catholic Women of the Year 2016
33 Ashburnham Tower
Worlds’s End Estate
London SW10 0EE

or by completing the form on our website: [1]


Patti Fordyce
Catholic Women of the Year Committee