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Catholic Union warns against undermining freedom of expression

The Catholic Union has warned against making any changes to hate crime legislation that risk undermining freedom of expression.


In response to a Law Commission consultation on potential changes to hate crime laws, the Catholic Union said that “protection of the individual citizen against the weaponization of the criminal law is one of the ‘bright line’ differences between a free democratic society and other societies.”


The Law Commission is carrying out a review of hate crime laws in England and Wales, including reformulating the offences of stirring up hatred.

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Catholic Union warns lockdowns risk fundamental rights

The Catholic Union has warned about disproportionate interference with people’s freedom of religion or belief during lockdowns imposed during the coronavirus pandemic.


In evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR), the Catholic Union states that the Government was slow to reopen churches after the first national lockdown. It also highlights the lack of evidence for closing churches again in England last November.


The JCHR – which is made up of MPs and peers – is carrying out an inquiry into the impact of lockdown measures on human rights. As part of the inquiry, the JCHR called for evidence on the impact of lockdowns on freedom of religion and belief, and in particular on collective worship.

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Catholic Union calls for evidence on Scottish church closures UPDATED

The Catholic Union has called on the Scottish Government to publish evidence for its decision to close places of worship again.


In a letter to Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP, the Catholic Union said it was extremely concerned about the decision to close churches for private prayer and worship as part of new lockdown measures in Scotland.


In November last year, the Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Chris Whitty, said there was no evidence of places of worship contributing to the spread of the virus.

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Catholic Union meets Government’s Faith Adviser

The Catholic Union has called on the Government to respect faiths in the same way as other world views in a meeting with the Government’s Faith Adviser, Colin Bloom.


The meeting was part of the evidence gathering process for the Government’s Independent Faith Engagement Review, being led by Mr Bloom.


The review was launched in November and included an online survey (which closed on 11 December) along with meetings with representative groups, including the Catholic Union.

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“Family tax” adding to food poverty warns Catholic Union

The Catholic Union has warned that the two-child cap on the childcare element of Universal Credit and Tax Credits is contributing to food poverty.


In a letter to food charity, Fair Share, the Catholic Union has called for a focus on addressing the underlying causes of poverty and inconsistencies in support offered to people out of work or on low wages.


Fair Share is one of the groups behind the new Child Food Poverty Taskforce.

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Sir James MacMillan CBE delivers annual Craigmyle Lecture

The Catholic Union’s annual Craigmyle Lecture was delivered this year by the Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan CBE with the title “Music, Faith and Politics”.

This year’s lecture on 24 November was delivered via video conference on account of coronavirus restrictions, with Sir James addressing Catholic Union members and supporters from his home in the Ayrshire countryside.

Sir James has composed concertos, operas and symphonies among other works, as well as composing music for the opening of the new Scottish Parliament and the Papal Visit in 2010.

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Catholic Union responds to the Spending Review

Following the publication of the Government’s Spending Review on 25 November, the Catholic Union has issued the following response.


Catholic Union Director, Nigel Parker, comments: “This year’s Spending Review has revealed the scale of the economic shock caused by coronavirus.


“The combination of a public health emergency and an economic emergency is having a devastating impact on individuals and families. Sadly, we know that it’s people on the margins of society who are the worst affected.

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