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Social Issues

Our Catholic faith motivates us to take a deep interest in the world around us. We help to make the Catholic viewpoint known on a range of issues from migration, the environment, to homelessness. We have a particular regard to Catholic education, especially Catholic schools. We are committed to supporting family life through advocating for a fairer tax and benefit system for families and creating a society where children can flourish.

Christian groups call on Chancellor to ease tax burden on families

Three Christian organisations have called on the Chancellor to make the tax system fairer for families ahead of the Spring Statement later this month.


The Catholic Union of Great Britain; the Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics; and the Benedict XVI Centre for Religion and Society, St Mary’s University, Twickenham have called for action from the Chancellor in light of rising inflation and soaring energy prices.


In their joint letter to the Chancellor, the three organisations have called on Rishi Sunak to set up a commission to look at ways of easing the tax burden on families.


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Bill of Rights should focus on recognised fundamental rights, says Catholic Union

The Catholic Union has called for a renewed focus on universal, inviolable, and inalienable rights as part of plans for a new Bill of Rights being proposed by the Government.


Following a review of the Human Rights Act, the Government is consulting on a number of possible changes to the framework of human rights law in the UK.


In its response to the consultation, the Catholic Union has urged respect for the fundamental nature of human rights which are rooted in justice and human dignity and warned of the risk of diluting the concept by describing political policy preferences as new rights.


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Levelling up needs faith groups says Catholic Union

The Catholic Union has called on the Government to recognise the need to work with faith groups on its levelling up agenda.


Last month, the Government published the Levelling Up White Paper, which sets out a range of plans across education, health, transport, and investment.


The Catholic Union has raised concerns that the 300-page document contained only one mention of faith groups, describing this as a missed opportunity.

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Catholic Union calls on Government to rule out Covid passports for churches

The Catholic Union has called on the Government to rule out the use of Covid passports for churches and other places of worship.


The Government has said it intends to make certification mandatory for access to certain “crowded” places later this year, but details of the proposals are yet to be confirmed.


Faiths Minister, Lord Greenhalgh, said on Twitter that the Government does not intend to make double vaccination a condition of entry to places of worship.

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