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Catholic Union

‘Moral responsibility’ to tackle climate change, says Lord Deben

The Chair of the UK’s independent Committee on Climate Change, Lord Deben, has said we have “been careless with God’s creation” and have moral responsibility to act on climate change.

The Conservative peer and former Environment Secretary made his remarks in a webinar hosted by the Catholic Union on the Gospel imperative for tackling climate change.

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The Kirk and the Court: Why Scottish church closures were unlawful

The Scottish Court of Session ruled in favour of those who challenged the legality of the Scottish Government’s ban on public worship during the national lockdown in Scotland this year.


A coalition of 27 faith leaders, alongside Canon Tom White, challenged the proportionality of the ban in a legal action that was heard in the Scottish Court of Session on March 11 – 12.

Read More »The Kirk and the Court: Why Scottish church closures were unlawful

Britain can be a force for good, says Catholic Union

The Catholic Union has said that Britain can and should be a force for good in the world in its response to the Government’s Integrated Review of security, defence, development, and foreign policy.


The report – entitled Global Britain in a Competitive Age – sets out the challenges likely to confront the UK over the next decade and how the Government plans to respond.


The Catholic Union called for a focus on promoting fundamental human rights at home and abroad in evidence to the review last year to avoid the concept of human rights being diluted.


Read More »Britain can be a force for good, says Catholic Union

Catholic Union calls for clarity on Scottish church openings

The Catholic Union has called for churches across Scotland to be open in time for Easter.


In a letter to Nicola Sturgeon, Catholic Union President Sir Edward Leigh, called for a commitment that churches in Scotland will be allowed to open for Easter at the latest and urged Scotland’s First Minister to set out guidance on this as soon as possible.


Nicola Sturgeon set out Scotland’s route map out of a lockdown on Tuesday 23 February. In her statement to MSPs, she said her hope was to see places of worship in Scotland reopen on Monday 5 April “or possibly a few days earlier.” Easter Sunday this year falls on 4 April.

Read More »Catholic Union calls for clarity on Scottish church openings

“Freedom of expression for believers is under threat” warns Catholic Union

The Catholic Union has warned that freedom of expression is under threat from an increasing failure to accept the legitimacy of different views in society.


It follows the Catholic Union submitting evidence to the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) on a wide range of matters concerning freedom of expression.


The JCHR is conducting an inquiry into freedom of expression, which includes possible changes to hate speech law, behaviour on social media, and the use of Public Space Protection Orders.

Read More »“Freedom of expression for believers is under threat” warns Catholic Union

Catholic Union warns against undermining freedom of expression

The Catholic Union has warned against making any changes to hate crime legislation that risk undermining freedom of expression.


In response to a Law Commission consultation on potential changes to hate crime laws, the Catholic Union said that “protection of the individual citizen against the weaponization of the criminal law is one of the ‘bright line’ differences between a free democratic society and other societies.”


The Law Commission is carrying out a review of hate crime laws in England and Wales, including reformulating the offences of stirring up hatred.

Read More »Catholic Union warns against undermining freedom of expression

Catholic Union warns lockdowns risk fundamental rights

The Catholic Union has warned about disproportionate interference with people’s freedom of religion or belief during lockdowns imposed during the coronavirus pandemic.


In evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR), the Catholic Union states that the Government was slow to reopen churches after the first national lockdown. It also highlights the lack of evidence for closing churches again in England last November.


The JCHR – which is made up of MPs and peers – is carrying out an inquiry into the impact of lockdown measures on human rights. As part of the inquiry, the JCHR called for evidence on the impact of lockdowns on freedom of religion and belief, and in particular on collective worship.

Read More »Catholic Union warns lockdowns risk fundamental rights

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