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MPs and peers call for Christmas church guarantee

A cross party group of over 70 MPs and peers has called on the Prime Minister to guarantee that church services will go ahead this Christmas.


In a letter to Boris Johnson, they call for churches in England to be open for worship as soon as possible, and at least in time for Christmas.


The current lockdown restrictions in England, which are due to expire on 2 December, ban religious services from taking place.

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Catholics press Charities Minister for extra support

The Catholic Union arranged a meeting with Charities Minister, Baroness Barran, to call for extra support for charities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Catholic Union Director, Nigel Parker, and Head of Public Affairs, James Somerville-Meikle, were joined by representatives of the Caritas Social Action Network and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales for a virtual meeting on 29 October.

The meeting followed a joint call from the three Catholic organisations earlier in the year for the Government to introduce an enhanced Gift Aid scheme to support charities during coronavirus.

Read More »Catholics press Charities Minister for extra support

Keep ideology out of human rights, warns Catholic Union

The Catholic Union has called on the Government to avoid “diluting the concept of human rights” as part of a consultation on the UK’s international policy.


In a submission to the Government’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, the Catholic Union calls for a focus on upholding fundamental human rights at home and abroad.

Read More »Keep ideology out of human rights, warns Catholic Union

Catholics unite to call for enhanced Gift Aid scheme UPDATED

The Catholic Union, Caritas Social Action Network, and Catholic Bishops in England and Wales have joined forces to call for a higher rate of Gift Aid to be introduced in response to coronavirus.

In their letter to the Culture Secretary, Oliver Dowden, the Catholic groups highlight the “perfect storm” faced by many charities at this time – with falling revenue and greater demand for services.

The letter calls on the Government to introduce an enhanced Gift Aid scheme as soon as possible, so that charities can begin to benefit immediately from any change.

Read More »Catholics unite to call for enhanced Gift Aid scheme UPDATED